Sunday, August 9, 2009

There's always next year...

This seems to be my motto lately. I am getting pretty good at missing events that I have been wanting to go to (being out of town, or having something else going on or being sick). Let me go back a couple of weeks to get ya'll caught up on what has been going on.

First off, I am almost finished with summer term. This coming week is finals and I will be so happy to see summer term end. That will mean that I only have ONE... O-N-E term of math to go. YIPEEEEE! I cannot tell you how much that means to me. In my women's studies class we are doing a group presentation for our final. My group has been studying Wicca. I have learned a lot this past weekend about witches, witchcraft, and this quite interesting religion.

Let's see next is the dreaded health chit chat. It's funny, it really is true that the older we get the more we talk about our health. Mine seems to be good news or at least I have gotten some answers. I started seeing a Natural-path. She has me on this really wonderful (read: I HATE) diet to figure out what foods I am allergic to. At this point I cannot eat any of the following: wheat, dairy, soy, refined sugars, fake sugars, tomatoes, potatoes (with the exception of sweets potatoes), nuts (except coconut), eggplant, and well... those seem to be the major restrictions. I will just say this, spelt bread isn't horrid, however gluten free cereal and almond milk is NOT the same as any "normal" cereal and cows milk. I have also been OFF of diet Pepsi for over 2 weeks! Who'd a thunk?! So far I have been having a bit of headaches come and go due to the lack of caffeine but not enough to cease functioning.

On the good side of the health issues, she (my new Doc) tested me further for thyroid issues and we have found out that I have a not quite uncommon autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. The kinda crazy thing is is that htere is no real cure for this yet, just experimental stuff. She has me on some remedies and I think they may be working. Yay!

Ok, now for the more fun stuff! I apologize that this blog is becoming so lengthy, this will teach me to not update it more frequently! This morning I woke up at 4 am to get to the MAX by 5:30 (riding my bike there), for the hour long ride to downtown Portland. Katie and I rode in the Portland Bridge Pedal. 3 different routes crossing either 11, 8, or 6 of the cities bridges. Due to my health issues, being sick so much I haven't been able to ride my bike much in preparation for the ride and only made it across 2 of the bridges. It was worth it, kicked my ass but fun.

Next year I shall complete the ride, which brings me to the title of my post... There's always next year!

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