Tuesday, April 22, 2008


With the end of tax season also comes the end of my employment. This is always a difficult week for me as I try to transition out of a normal daily work routine into the looking for work/keeping the house up and honing my photography skills routine. It is one thing to either quit/get fired/laid off/etc from a job and another when the job is a temp kinda deal. One that you dont' love yet don't completely hate. One where you love and adore the people you work with. One that each year with certainty on April 15th or 16/17th you know for a fact will come to a screeching halt. It's like one minute you are working your buns off making frantic calls to people to make sure they get their stuff into you for their taxes to be finished and the next you are waking up at 10 am, forgetting to eat anything until you nearly pass out around 2 in the afternoon, an in general just grasping for what to do next.

Today I devised a somewhat time line of what my days will be filled with until I have one of those 9-5 main stream job things again. I have my days so filled that I dont' know what I am going to do once I get said job. Between learning new photo editing software, taking photos, learning languages (French and Italian), doing the household chores, working out. Gee that all sounds so much fun! hehe :D

Enjoy some of the HDR (high dynamic range) photos that I have been playing with. Be thankful for your days and nights and the people in your life that love you and whom you love in return. In the meantime I will be keeping myself busy, or at least trying! :D

Ok, since blogger is not working properly you can't view my HDR images, you can if you go to my DA page at: http://amy-moore.deviantart.com/

1 comment:

Katie said...

Ummm...you have free time...I know you do!? Why are you not entertaining me!? Dance damnit dance!