Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Recent activities

I am slowly getting settled in here in Hillsboro. I had a job interview on Monday. I am a wee bit superstitious in that I don't want to talk too much about it. Suffice it to say that posting it on my blog is a bit contrary to not telling the whole world, but hush! Let me have my little neuroses. hehe

There really hasn't been too much in my personal life going on although it seems the people around me have all sorts of crap going on. I just want all my friends in TD to know that even though I may not be there physically I am just a phone call or gchat away. Maggie has been my little shadow, going from room to room with me. She does venture outside every now and then but she prefers the ac in the house as opposed to the high 90 degree weather outside.

My cousins from NYC are coming up on Friday so I am excited to see them. We are going to bbq, should be fun. I am going to attempt making a cauliflower coleslaw dish that I had in TD one night at the Petite Provence. I am also making miniature orange cheesecakes. They are in the oven right now as my test batch. Too bad no one is here to share them with!

I had some other friends from Eugene, who recently moved back up from San Diego, stop by for a visit. We went out for dinner and caught up on old times. It is funny what 5 years will do. In that time both of my girls got marries and now one of them has a baby. It's just crazy!

Today I went with K out for Indian. It was ok, not horrible not like the super best. It was fun having someone to go do something with and get me out of the house. Thanks for lunch K! This weekend is the airshow in Hillsboro so all the planes are starting to come in. I am expecting to hear the jets practicing tomorrow. It's fun to see all the cool planes. Bryan's is right down the street from the airport so I have a short walk or max ride to go see them.

That's about it for now, like I said, nothing too exciting going on. Hope ya'll are enjoying what is left of summer.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you need help with those cheesecakes feel free to give me a call or bring some when/if you stop by on Saturday!! :D