Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me right now. I have a raging headache. Am waiting for M and D to finish their gaming session so I can go home. I have like the worst headache, stupid migraines.
Christmas came and went. I hope ya'll had a super holiday. Mine was pretty nice and relaxed. Chilled with childless friends on Christmas eve and played Apples to Apples (one of my presents)... what a fun game that is! Slept in on the big day until noon!!! Isn't that sad?! Then went to some other friend's who were making their traditional Christmas day taco dinner. It was fun. I am just worn out.
On another note I will be starting work in 1 week. Yay for work! I am sure I will be back to blogging nearly everyday since I will have plenty of face time at a computer with not a ton to do and no WoW to play. Yes I am that bad. hehe
Hope everyone is ready to bring in the New Year of 2008. Make it safe, make it legal, but make it FUN!!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Ahhh the holidays....
The baking madness of the holidays has consumed me full on and kept me from blogging. Yet again I have come down with a case of the nasty cold... bleh!
So about 2 weeks ago M emails me and says that there is going to be a cookie contest at work. Well that gave me a little over a week to figure out just what I was oging to bake. After going through dozens of cookbooks, calls to my mother, and perusing the internet's various cooking sites I narrowed down the choices. We had to bake 1 of each of the following categories: butter, chocolate, and novelty. I decided to go with my grandmother's potato chip cookies which I fully remember from childhood as being these buttery salty goodness sweets. For chocolate i went with the infamous chocolate kiss wrapped in butter dough. Last but not least was the bourbon ball cookie for the novelty.
Starting 2 full days before the contest I made my first batch of the potato chip cookies. Somehow these were NOT the yummy goodies I remember. Hmmm, perhaps I didn't use the proper butter, or vanilla? Well, I decided to try the bourbon balls. Easy enough recipe, just turned my hands into a chocolaty mess. They didn't turn out half bad, as long as you like bourbon! :)
The following day (thursday) I resumed full on into baking mode. Waking up early and into the kitchen I went. Another batch of bourbon balls was finished, then I took a crack at buttery cutouts. Those didnt' turn out so good. Dang, I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I took another crack at potato chip cookies making a few modifications, this time they turned out a bit better but still nothing like I remember. Ahhh, that would have to suffice as it was the last batch of the night and it was about 10 pm.. I was pooped! I also made 2 batches of the kiss cookies, each with different types of kisses.
Oh, lest I forget that somewhere in between batch 4 & 5, my trip to the grocery store, and the 2nd load of dishes... the kitchen got flooded! OI! Yeah, one of the pipes under the sink fell off and flooded the kitchen. Ugh... I got that mess cleaned up and finished the cookies up.
M took the cookies to work for the contest the following morning. I had no hopes of actually winning as I thought most of my cookies turned out pretty fair if not bad. Someone made a chocolate chip bacon cookie that won, there was a devine butter cookie, and a double chocolate something or other. No big deal, it was fun just to make them. Oh, but wait... there is one more prize, the overall bestest cookie. Who do you think won that?! ME! My bourbon balls won! Woot! I can't believe that I actually won. I think that the only reason people liked them was due to the alcohol, but that is ok because I AM A WINNER!!!
May the holiday season find you with plenty of cookies!
Monday, December 3, 2007
A snow filled weekend
Saturday morning came all too early as I tried to force myself out of my warm bed and into the shower. M didn't get home until somewhere after 2:30, I knew he would just love getting up several short hours later to head into the wilderness to get our Christmas tree. We showered picked up Trev and headed to HR to meet up with the rest of the gang. The 5 car caravan headed up Highway 35 into the Mt. Hood National Forest. The further into the mountains we got the more snow there was.
We made it to the Little John Snow Park, piled out of our cars, made sure all mittens, gloves and hats were on, then head out on the path to find that perfect tree. With M leading the way, we plowed through feet of snow, making our way through the woods. Have you ever walked through real powdery snow? It is a lot like sand. OMG, it was nutso! Cold, snowing, and surrounded by snow. It was great!
If you aren't familiar with how this whole "going into the woods to cut down your own tree" works, it goes something like this: Anyone can do it. Just go to the Forest Service, pay $5 for a permit, get a map of the areas you can get the tree from.... that's it. Easy peasey... or so you would think. hehe
Walking through feet of snow in the freezing cold isn't all that easy. Then having to drag out a tree that is bigger than my entire living room. Ok, so maybe I only helped drag it like 100 feet 300 max... but that was tough. I am not saying I don't like the tree that I chose, it is just so frigging HUGE! Once we finally got it out to the parking lot, rather M & Trev, and up on the Jeep, I was never so happy to get in side the car and try to get warm. I did watch the guys and the girls go down the huge sled hill a couple of times. Then on our way down the mountain we came across a couple of guys who had gotten their car stuck after sliding off the road.
After a futile attempt to dig it out, pull it out, push it out, of that embankment we figured it was just not going to budge. The guys got a ride into town and we were once again on our way back home to get into warm, dry clothes.
I swear I didn't get warm until I went to bed saturday night. However, I am warm and dry now so it's all good. It's monday and I am still quite sleepy so this blog isn't quite as spicy as it could have been. Enjoy the pics and have a happy day!
Friday, November 30, 2007
It's begining to look a lot ....
Yes, like Christmas. Even I have to admit it is time to start putting up those decorative lights, mistletoe, holy, etc, etc. Snow started falling earlier this week. It is just crazy! As I sit posting this, I am freezing my tushi off, is 29 degrees cold enough?! I think so!
Tomorrow brings a fun filled day spent with friends going out for breakfast and then off for the great Christmas tree hunt. Weeeee.... We are going to head into the wilderness, purchase permits, then cut our own trees. This will be exciting and quite an adventure to say the least. I will post an update later this weekend.
Everyone have a super night and bundle up, as it seems winter has made its way right onto our doorsteps.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Post turkey day thoughts
Gobble, gobble....
It seems the big stuff your face until you can't eat anymore holiday has come and gone without a hitch. First off, I went to my parents last week, yeah, they convinced me to go. The timing of my trip couldn't have been worse. The weather up until last week had been beautiful. Of course the day I decide to go it was nice, but after 5 hours of driving it was nearly dark by the time I got there. So, I wake up friday morning to lovely rain. Now this isn't just little raindrops, or mist.. but full on downpour. It rained for 4 days straight. I felt so caged up. Couldn't really go for a walk, go to the beach, fishing, or anything else. While it was nice visiting my parents, bless their hearts, it sucked not being able to really enjoy being there. On the other hand, with all the spare time, my mom and I made cards. She has really gotten into that so she and I sat around 1 day and made some fun stuff.
I left on monday after spending 5 days there. The weather cleared up and has been sunny and dry since I left. Figures.... that's the kind of luck I have. This is the second year in a row that I have gone to go salmon fishing and the weather kept me from doing it. Ahh yes, this is why I love Oregon so much. ARG!
Moving on to last week, one of the local stores had this fab coupon, that if you bought over $100 in groceries you got a free 20lb turkey. Pretty sweet deal I thought. I ended up spending twice that amount, but eh, we need food right?! hehe
The turkey day plans went something like this: A group of 10 or so of us in town were getting together. Each one making a couple of different dishes. The problem was that the family in charge of the turkey, potatoes, and stuffing were ALL sick. Good thing I had that turkey! So, I left it out to thaw only to confirm the next day that the sickies were going to be able to make it after all. Thank goodness! Both for them being well and able to cook the yummy food!
I made a couple of desserts, green bean casserole, snacks. We had more food than could feed an army. Literally... not to mention that 2 days later I had to make my turkey since it had thawed out. I will be eating turkey for quite some time to come. That's ok, I love me leftover turkey!
How was everyone else's holiday? Oh, and Washu got Rock Band. Great game! Basically it is guitar hero but better. Up to 4 people can play, drums, vocals, bass, and guitar. I have to say thanks to Washu for letting us invade his home for turkey day and over the weekend to play. Good times!
In the end, I have to give thanks (not to be cheesy) for good friends, great family, and killer food. I really have to thank my parents for everything they have done the last couple of years. M for all he is doing for me now, and my friends for doing that thing they do. In reflection I also have to thank all those soldiers who are out there fighting, putting their lives on the line every day. They dont' get enough thanks or praise. They need to know that those of us here in our cosey homes with our friends and family on the holidays, are thinking of them, hoping they in turn get to come home and be with their families.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Not much to blog about
I think the title is pretty clear...
Lately life around here has been not so exciting. Kinda funny how things go in waves. For months it seemed I was crazy busy, now it is almost the quiet before the storm. I have been really conflicted though lately. I want to go visit my parents however with the god awful price of gas and the fact that my measly UI barely covers my current bills, I don't have spare funds to go visit them.
Ok, maybe those aren't realistic choices, but in times of dire need those are some of the thoughts that cross my mind. I would whore myself out except that, well, I am soo far above that and I would do those things for free anyway. Hmm, on second thought, no I wouldn't. haha
In closing, if anyone has any great quick money making schemes that don't involve selling body parts, testing any drugs, or standing on street corners, then I want to hear about them!
Happy day everyone! Cheers!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Ohh the pain!
Weds D and I had an appointment with the personal trainer at the gym. Dana is awesome! She totally kicks your ass, but in a good way. About half way through my legs were trembling and I was sweating like a pig (that is if pigs actually sweat). It was a fabulous work out and I was so happy to have gone to do it. I knew I would be sore the next day, just didn't realize HOW bad it would be! OMG! My quads felt like they had been turned to stone and didn't want to function at all. This was quite a pain (literally) as I had planned on going to Dana's power up class that evening.
I worked up the nerve to go to the gym early so I could at least get some treadmill time in. 30 mins later and a couple of miles I had worked myself into a good ol' sweat. The classes had already started their warm up and I got in just in time. WOW! It was tough! More of the same stuff we did in our session weds, but way more difficult. Lunges and squats till the cows came home basically. I think I shouldn't have pushed myself so hard, but in the end I am happy I did. Now I just have to keep up with the strength training. I have the treadmill/ bike down.
That has pretty much summed up the last couple of days, working out and recovering from working out. Got the car back, $1200 dollars later.. ouch! She runs great now though. Maggie was happy as she got to go with M to work for 1/2 a day. She loves being the center of attention and she gets plenty of it when he takes her to work. She is such a CUTE puppy!
Friday night came and went without a hitch. Played a great game with friends, but now it is time to go to sleep, or so I am being told since it is 2:31 am. For some reason I am not sleepy.. it couldn't be the Rockstar that I drank, could it?! hehe :P
Peace all!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Rubbing my eyes as I force myself to write a much needed blog, yet again I have been told I have been a bad blogger. I guess I would blog more had I actually though people read this garbage called my life. Not that it is actually garbage, or that I think I am uninteresting, but really... Me? I am flattered and thank you to those who do read my mindless ramblings. Now on with the happenings of my life as of late....
Had a pretty uneventful weekend. M was gone for a few days for work, it was nice not having someone around. I know that is bad to say, but I honestly am getting tired of the nit picking. It was only for 1 night too AND I didn't have to wear my earplugs just to get a good night's sleep! My car is still in the shop after breaking down on Halloween, it should be all fixed and ready to go tomorrow. The guy was really cool at the shop, they gave me a loaner car, a big purple Dodge Intrepid, with cassette deck, and a funky odor. I can't complain though, it didn't cost me anything and I had wheels in case I needed to go anywhere.
Saturday night we had birthday dinner with a friend, it wasn't the best food but the conversation was excellent as always! Good friends are hard to beat and I have to admit I have made some excellent friends out here in the boondocks. It will make me sad to leave them when I go to working in Hillsboro for the tax season.
Sunday was more of nothing as M sat and watched tv all day. I got the Magster out for a much deserved walk and she had a bath so she is all clean, soft, and fluffy now. I love that little dog!
Nothing to report for Monday, yes the life of Reilly is what I lead.. NOT! hehe
Today was interesting, hence the needing of "zzzzzz's". I helped Amy out as she is PTA president and they needed someone to look after the youngin's during the PTA meeting. Now an hour doesn't sound like that long of a time, mind you this was roughly 5-8 children that all wanted me to either push them on the swing, watch them slide/jump/hang from something, play tether ball (god I haven't done that in YEARS!), or climb with them somewhere. Ahhh, school playgrounds, that brought back so many childhood memories. At my elementary school we had these huge tires to crawl in, I remember the first "couple" in the fifth grade who went to have their first kiss in the "big" tire. Kinda funny how years later he ends up being gay and, you guessed it... her too!
Not that anything like that was on my mind, just happened to think about it while I was typing this. Weird how the mind works. Anyway, hope whoever is out there has a super duper week!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Is it really Halloween?
I can't believe that the day has arrived. Only one pumpkin has been carved, no costume has been dreamed up, and my house is only partially decorated. I am feeling a bit bah humbug over this years Halloween, although it is my very favorite holiday. It seems like the last several years have been against me enjoying the holiday properly. Either I haven't had a job, been in between jobs, or been working on said day. This year as we all know my lovely employers decided to end my short time with them. That being said, I was left with little extra funds to properly buy and decorate the house as well as any sort of kick ass costume for myself.
I was okay with not being the scariest house on the block. I was okay with not having a super freaky costume. I was NOT okay with my car breaking down today though. That seemed to be the straw that broke the camels back. It's a good thing I don't have anywhere especially important to be and that I have several friends who are also unemployed or stay at home moms who are more than willing to drop everything for their poor friend Amy. Yes, poor me. I am on the pity bus today.
Back to the not believing that Halloween is here. Wasn't it just yesterday I was planning a trip to Ireland? For that matter when did the temp change from a daily hight of 100 degrees Fahrenheit+ to being in the mid 40's - 50 with a low in the high 20's? I must say it is a welcome releif as I hate the heat and love being slightly chilled when I crawl into bed.
All was not lost in my bah humbug spirit, as I did manage to get a friend to take me to the store for sugar coated treats so the trick or treaters wouldn't feel the need to spray my house with silly string and t.p. I did get to see my friend Amy's kids in their simply adorable costumes. I must give A a HUGE thumbs up as she made the girls' costumes, one a butterfly the other a scarecrow. They were so awesome! Good job Amy!
I am making the same vow this year as I did last.... I am GOING to have the scariest house, creapiest costume, and most kick ass Halloween next year, I promise I will!
-Happy Boo day everyone!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Keeping busy
Ok, so I am going to put a link to the web site I have been working on. Keep in mind it is a work in progress and I would appreciate any and all constructive criticism and feedback. The program I am using isn't real flexible so I am limited with what I can do. Anyway, this is what I have been working on for the last week or so.
Thanks in advance to anyone who looks at this!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Whirlwind weekend
What a weekend it was too. Friday night after the gamers left our place, I promptly went to bed knowing that 7 am would come all too early. I was right! As the sound of my lovely alarm clock went off, I lay there thinking, "Why am I getting up at this hour on a Saturday?!?". Then it sank in, I am getting up at the butt crack of dawn (this time of year anyway) to go work out. Yes, working out at 7:30 am on a Saturday. Jealous aren't you? Feeling groggy I managed to get dressed, pick up my work out buddy Denise and hit the gym. I should have realized that while I was trying to walk on the treadmill like a trained gerbil, that my staggering around might be a sign that I was coming down with something. I forged on through a 40 minute walk and a 15 minute bike ride.
The work out was to justify the next part in our Saturday plans which was homemade cinnamon rolls with a group of Googlers prior to our trip to the Fruit Loop to visit orchards during the Heirloom Apple celebration. Our hosts for this sugary goodness of breakfast were wonderful and I thank you so much Aim & Skippy! We all loved those sticky, gooey, buns of sugary, frosting happiness. I took some of my homemade sugar free applesauce, Steph made these yummy potatoes, there was fruit, juice, milk, and coffee. It was a lovely breakfast for the 15 of us who got up that early to eat it.
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Heirloom Apple DaysOct 2007 |
After the food filled our bellies and likely added a pound or two to our thighs, hips, bellies, or elsewhere, we headed off in a caravan of 4 cars filled with 8 adults and 4 children. At the first stop the kids each got a free pieced of fruit,went on a tractor ride through the orchard, pressed some cider, and learned that an heirloom apple is a variety of apple that is 100 years old or older. You don't' see these in stores much and the orchards are trying to preserve them, because once they are gone, there is no bringing them back. We lost one carload before continuing on as the self proclaimed "Nap Nazi" had to get back to put their little one down for the mid day nap, which I heard didn't go so well... something about all the sugar and excitement? Huh, odd that something like that would affect a small child. hehe
Next stop was more apples and pears with a petting zoo thrown in. There was this crazy looking goat who had 2 sets of horns. He was scary. Ame got a leg of lamb there, I would have NO clue how to prepare lamb. I have only had it one time that I remember liking it. She better be letting me know when she makes that thing, as I am sooo crashing her place for leg of lamb dinner! After admiring the gorgeous mountain view (Mt. Hood), petting the pigs and goats, buying our fruit, jams, and leg of lamb, it was time to head on to the next stop. We lost yet another Carload to nap time. Ya know, I am going to have to start looking into this nap time thing. I am thinking it sounds like a great idea!
We drive some more through the valley with views of both Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams, it was a beautiful sunny day with that slight chill in the air that reminds me snow is just around the corner. The next orchard was having a fun German Edelweiss celebration. They had brats, sauerkraut, potatoes w/ apples, fresh cider... it was delicious! Once our bellies were full, yet again, it was off to Packers for big ass cookies a bit of pie or ice cream and then home.
It was a long day, but the day wasn't even half over as we still had a Halloween party to go to that night. Ya know what sucks about losing your job in October? Not having enough money to properly celebrate Halloween as it is my favorite holiday. After my busy day I had needed a nap and we woke up in time to go to the party but unable to find a last minute costume idea.
*sigh* I am getting old. There was a day when I would be able to not have needed a nap, then found something to make a costume out of and gone onto the party and been there until the wee hours of the morning. What happened to those days? I want them back! I hate this feeling old crap, it was around 9:30, yes that is pm, not am the following day, that I looked at Matt and said, "Are you ready (to go)?". It wasn't even 10:30 by the time we said out goodbyes and hit the road back home. I want my youth back damnit!
Sunday I crashed hard. Woke up somewhere around 11:30, had a screaming headache, trying to fend off a migraine. It wasn't pretty. M and I spent some quality bonding time (as in our asses bonding to the couch) together. We caught up on all those tv shows we love. It is great having several episodes to watch all at one time. So we have now caught up on Bones, House, and Criminal Minds. I can't wait to see Heroes tonight, love that show.
Peace out for now and enjoy the pics!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Busy, busy...
Holy moly cow! It is hard to imagine that I have been even busier since having lost my job last week than when I was working, but it is possible! I was just told by Amy (one of many that I know) that I have been a crappy blogger lately. It is true, I have been. I know I made promises of blogging of my adventures in Ireland, and perhaps one of these days I will be able to decipher my horrid handwriting and do that. For now you will have to suffer with my mindless ramblings of what is happing in the immediate past.
Today was my first trip to the gym to work out with the personal trainer.. dear god she kicked my ass. However I think she kicked Denise's ass a bit more than mine as she was still feeling the pain today during her cardio workout. It was a good intense hour of strength training, I would love to have every session be with her but I just can't swing that kinda cash. Perhaps if some of my photos start selling or people want me to photograph them or their events and I make some extra cash I might be able to swing it.
Speaking of photos, I have started building my website. It is just a simple one for now as I learn about web building etc, but I am rather enjoying it. I have also began to enter some of my photos into contests, so cross your fingers!
In review of the last few days, it was an absolutely beautiful autumn weekend. Saturday the A's and the girls went out to a local farm where they were having an Autumn festival. It was loads of fun. I had a blast taking pics of the girls as usual. Have I mentioned how much that I love fall?! It is so beautiful here in the Gorge too. I need to get out there this week now that the rains have stopped and take some pics. Anyway, made it to the pumpkin farm to get our orange balls to carve for the festive holiday next week. I also love Halloween, it is my fave holiday.
I leave you with a link to the Autumn fest pics.. enjoy!
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Fall 2007 |
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Just a quickie
Yes that is the sound of me screaming. I have had just a crazy last 2 weeks. Went on vacation to Ireland and had a freaking amazing time! Came home only to be "let go" from my job! This is the first time in my life I have ever been Ireland
So, go enjoy the pics. I kept a daily journal from the trip that I will turn into a blog, just need to find a few moments to do it. Life is definitely crazy!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Leavin' on a jet plan...
But I will be coming back in 8 days... boo! I want to be gone much longer than that. How bad is it when my vacation hasn't even started and I am already dreading coming back to work. Gah! Sometimes I hate my life and the decisions that I have made. Then I have to sit back and think, if I hadn't done things the way I did, I wouldn't be going to Ireland (leaving tomorrow), have met some of the greatest friends (in Teh Dalles of all places!), have gotten my Magster, or made so many friends in far away places.
Sleep is not something that is on my side right now as I have been awake since 3 am, muddling my way through the early morning hours here at work. I am hoping to be awake enough to drive the 1 1/2 hours to Portland tonight without incident. I am lucky enough to have family in P-town that is driving my butt to the airport so I don't have to pay those ungodly parking fees. I am flying all by my lonely to and from Dublin. It shall be interesting. I just hope I don't get stuck sitting next to some huge, hairy, greasy dude who doesn't know how to use deodorant, some whiny snot nosed brat who can't sit still, worse yet one sitting behind me kicking my seat, or some lady who doesn't know how to not bathe herself in old lady perfume. In general I love flying and don't tend to have any major issues. I wonder what movie they will have for us... good thing I have my iPod. WOOT!
I will be on the plan in 26 hours and 30 minutes! YAY!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Horses and tattoos, oh my!
Gah! I am draggin' today. Not really sure why though. I have no real ambition to do anything at work. I spent all day yesterday trying to plan out my days in
I was hoping to get in a visit to a horse race or 2, it looks like I won't be able to though. Racing there is on the weekends while I am there and they races are both on Satruday, the days I am traveling..boooo! I did however find out about the Irish National Stud. It is a place where thoroughbred stallions are at stud, they have a breeding education program, museum, etc. It sounds a bit like the
Oh yeah, and I am totally getting a tattoo in
The only problem being that there is no real meaning for the knots, as they date back for many hundreds of years and there is no dictionary to their meanings. Meanings for these designs have pretty much been made up to sell jewelry and trinkets, people have chosen to put meaning into them and whatever you want them to mean pretty much works. The only problem is I am not sure where to have it done on my body. Since I am losing weight I don't want it in my back, hip, arm, or somewhere that I might lose weight from. I am kind of thinking the ankle or on my chest where it would show only when I want it. :P I have narrowed the tattoo parlor down, now I just have to figure out how much it will cost too.
*sigh* I suppose I should get back to work... yeah well or something like that. I have so much to get done in the next couple of days it isn't even funny!
Monday, October 1, 2007
It's quiet... too quiet
This last weekend I drove down to my parents in Florence, Oregon so that they can watch the Magster while Matt and I are in Ireland next week. What can I say.. other than I LOVE my parents! They are the best. I don't mean that because they are my parents and they HAVE to love me and be nice to me, but they really are so supportive and helpful. I am so lucky to have them. They always provided for me and gave me what they could, making sure that I was happy and able to be involved in activities that I loved. Now that I am an adult I seem to fall right back into being that 10 year old girl whenever I am around them. Funny how that seems to happen whenever mommy and daddy are around.
So back to the 5 hours it took to get to their place. I really do like living within driving distance, but 5 hours is just too darn far, especially for a normal 2 day weekend. Add to that the nasty rainy conditions we had driving home Sunday and that made for only 1 nice day at the coast. It is funny how my parents now live at the coast and I go there fairly often, yet rarely make it to the beach. Although I am not real sad, as I am not one for walking on the sandy beach. I hate sand, it gets everywhere and sticks to everything!
I can remember being a kid and running up the sand dunes in Florence. At the bottom of the dunes is a small lake. We would race to the top and then roll down to the bottom and splash into the warm lake water. It was so much fun! Ask me to do that today and you would get a resounding "NO!". haha :P
Anyway, I digress back to the weekend. It was wonderful and as I drove out of the Gorge and into Portland, I could smell the city, people had their woodstoves burning, it had just rained too. I love the smell of a fresh rainfall. Driving down I-5 the air once again told me we were in Albany. The mill there produces an oder that is quite distinctive. It reminded me of when we were kids how someone always blamed another person in the car for having gas. Yes it is THAT stinky! We hit Eugene, Matt was asleep and snoring, Maggie was asleep in the back. It was just me, the darkness, and about 50 other cars surrounding me on the freeway. After stopping for a very quick bite to eat we headed down H-126 to Florence.
What a perfect drive it was too, not a single car in front or behind me. I love it when that happens, as that Highway is fairly dangerous. In fact, several years ago a friend of mine lost her life on it because a trucker fell asleep at the wheel, crossed into her lane, and hit her head on. So, yeah... every time I drive that particular road I get a bit more tense than I should be. We arrived in Florence at 11 and yet again the smells in the air were so refreshing I knew I was at the Oregon coast. It has a slightly salty, not quite fish like smell, it is quite distinct, I love it.
Mom and I spent some quality time together getting Maggie some of her special dog food as well as checking out the shops in Old Town Florence. They have some very cute touristy shops. I had to get the obligatory candy, no salt water taffy though, I can't stand that stuff. That afternoon we spent watching the U of O lose to Cal, then OSU lose to UCLA... not a good day for Oregon College football. Not to mention for my father whose big screen tv went out earlier that morning. He and Matt went tv shopping, unfortunately there wasn't much luck with the 2 places they had to choose from in Flo-town.
Sunday I woke up ungodly early at 5 am! Ugh, what was I thinking. It was nice chatting with dad though since everyone else was sound asleep. It was a very rainy day Sunday. I took an early morning nap, mom went to church, then we all went and had breakfast at Driftwood Shores. It was BlEh! I do NOT recommend eating there. Too bad it is the ONLY restaurant on the Florence beach. There are plenty of other great places to eat though, or go a short drive up the coast to Lincoln City, Depot Bay, or Newport.
We left Maggie behind with the grandparents and headed back home. It was sad leaving her there, not that she wont' be taken care of but my little puppy isnt' at home. As we walked into the house last night I realized just how quiet it is when she isn't around. That little dog is my life and I miss her nagging the cat, or squeaking her toys, barking at ghost sounds, and scratching at the back door. It really is too quiet.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
10 days and counting!
So, for those of you who don't know, I am going to Ireland October 6th! Oh yeah.. I am friggin' going out of my mind with what to do whilst there! I have 4 or 5 book, maps, tips from friends who have been, and countless hours logged at the computer surfing numerous sites giving me info as to where I should go and what I should avoid. I don't know if my mind is completely wrapped around the fact that I will FINALLY be traveling to Europe. Ireland is on my top 6 places to visit before I die. Number 1 on my list is France, then Italy, Ibiza, Amsterdam, Australia. Oh sure there are PLENTY of other places that I must visit before I die. Those 6 just happen to be tops. I have already been to the best place on earth imo (in my opinion)... NYC.
I really feel that in order to travel to these other countries that I must have a basic understanding if not be fluent in their language. This is probably the reason that I haven't been anywhere other than Canada and TJ (Mexico). I can at least as for a bathroom in Spanish and for "dos cervezas por favor" (2 beers please). What else would I need to know??? However in France and Italy I want to completely immerse myself in the culture and to do so I think I must be able to speak the language. It always seems that when foreigners are here in the states "we" assume that they should know English, so yeah same basic principle to me anyway.
On to the trip at hand. I have had people requesting I take photos of certain statues, etc. I know that I will hit up some of the tourist trap kind of places. I used to hate the term tourist, but that is what I am gosh darn it! I want to see the country and experience it, ie: TOUR. I am also pretty set on getting my first tattoo while there. I have a basic idea of what I want, just have to decide where it will go. I haven't even began to think about packing either. Hmmm, maybe I should put some thought into that.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Cough, Hack, BLEH!
Was that a hairball that just came up? Is phlegm supposed to be that color?! Ewww, gross!!!!! Yeah, I am sick, lucky me. It started Sunday night with a 100 degree fever so no work monday for me. Went to work Tuesday but left early after deciding it best not to spread the germies. Can you believe I made it the whole day Weds, however went to the Dr. Thursday and he scolded me for having gone to work at all and he sent me home for the remainder of the week. I think I forgot to mention that I woke up Thursday with no voice, and as today is Saturday I still am unable to speak. ARG! This sucks. I feel like something has crawled into my throat and set up camp. I really hate colds, they are just so annoying and draining.
Since I have been home for several days I have gotten to watch way too much tv, gotten caught up on America's Next Top Model and L.A. Ink. Sooo much fun! That pretty much wraps up my festive week, catch ya'll later!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Weekend in review
I have a bit of catch-up to do it seems as I haven't blogged since last week and it is already hump day! Eeee gads! I had a fantastic weekend went with some friends on a drive to what is called the "Fruit Loop". Basically a 40 mile loop in Hood River, OR, that highlights 20+ farms, orchards, etc. We stopped and picked apples at 35 cents a pound was a steal, went to a lavender farm whose outhouse was painted lavender and called the "Lavender Loo", went to an old fashioned general store that had fresh huckleberry shakes, pepper jellies galore, and homemade jams from every possible berry imaginable, the last stop on the 3 hour tour was a wonderful treat where cookies grew larger than dinner plates and they had scrumptious fruit pies a plenty. Here is a link to the pics taken, feel free to comment.
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Fruit Loop--10.2 |
If you are ever in the NW part of Oregon anytime in the spring through fall/ early winter you really should stop along the fruit loop. Pick up some fresh fruit and support the local farmers.
Later in the evening after having stuffed myself with apples we decided try one of the 3 Chinese food restaurants in town. I was so spoiled living in Portland where I could have Chinese (and good Chinese too, not this wannabe over fried, nastiness that I have now), Thai, Japanese, Korean, you name it and it was available. Now I have to suffer with bad, worse, and no f*ing way will I go there. It is sad really. Small towns like the one I live in need some diversity, it is their residents that really hold them back. The people who grew up in the small town who doesn't like change and all the "big city" folks taking over. I ask you, what is wrong with a little bit of culture. What is wrong with some diversity and change?
Sunday was nice and relaxed, got to go have breakfast at my fave little pancake place with friends. So, we have all decided to do our own "Biggest Loser". Seems there is about 30 of us who have pitched in $30 each and at the end of our designated time (sometime in December) we will split the pot between the person who loses the most weight and the one who loses the highest percentage. I am really hoping to win at least one of them if not both. It is a huge motivator to lose weight and workout. With all that said, Sunday was my last day to enjoy those yummy pancakes and highly greasy eggs and bacon.
That is all for now, I should get back to work, I think I should anyway. I will be back later to update you more on the week, who I am, and those off the cuff thoughts in my little mind.
-Peace :)